Applying for a Teen Teaching Assistant Position for Spanish 2 &

Teen Teaching Assistant Hub

Interested in learning how to become a teacher? Want a chance to hold a bit of the power and responsibility that that entails? Consider (1.) applying for a teen teaching assistant position. Once you apply, (2.) make sure you take the placement exam when it is available and preferably early on. I need to ensure you are refreshed on topics covered and aware of what students are going to learn. (3.) Plan on a brief Zoom interview. Once hired, you will need to (4.) Fill out and submit a W-9(Instructor will provide.) (5) Note dates and times of ongoing training and establish a work schedule.

If you are hired, you can attend a Prep Class for Free and Receive Pay for Work done out of class and for work done during parts of a class. Pay is $10/hour. Those hired can work no more than 2 classes, are required to complete some paid hours each week at home, must be able to maintain confidentiality, be a person of their word that acts with integrity, pays attention to details, comprehends spoken and written instructions, is respectful to ALL, can work with a variety of personalities, and can help peers stay focused and understand topics covered, can work well independently without the need for much supervision or reminders. Expect not to earn more than $600 this year. Students will be paid 1 or 2 times during August session. Training via Zoom will be established and provided. Zoom huddles will also happen. Good employees want to learn how to do their job well so don't be afraid to ask questions after reading or listening to instructions, watching me provide instruction, etc.

If you are hired this is also where I will have you check for general announcements and helpful teaching assistant hints. Please check here prior to each shift. Also, check group text and Remind if given out for more private communication. Don't forget to clock in each time you begin a shift or start an at-home assignment. When at home, you also need to check out here.